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4X01 - RAZOR (1)



(Shaw draws the blade of Cain's knife lightly along the skin of her arm and hand.)


Shaw, VO: You're born, you live and you die. There are no do-overs. No second chances to make things right if you frak them up the first time. Not in this life anyway.


(Scenes and lines from the history of the Pegasus, intercut with each other and with Shaw's knifeplay.)

Pegasus: "This is the Battlestar Pegasus to the ship claiming to be the Galactica. Please respond."

Tigh: Pegasus? How could that be? The entire Fleet was destroyed.

Adama: Admiral Cain. We had no idea there were other survivors.

Cain: o­n behalf of the officers and the crew of the Pegasus, welcome back to the Colonial Fleet.

Baltar: What they did to you was wrong. Evil. What you need... is justice.

Cain: Frak you.

Fisk: And she died knowing that her ship and her crew were safe and that her mission had been accomplished. Nothing was more important to her than her ship, her crew, and her mission.

Fisk: And as I take command of Pegasus, I pledge to uphold those values that made her such an effective and heroic leader.

Tigh: Word of Fisk's murder has spread out through the entire fleet. Crew can fall apart when their commander is killed. Pegasus lost two in a matter of weeks.

Adama: I'm putting Garner in command.

Pegasus Crewman: Commander Garner, two Baseships just jumped in. Nukes inbound. We're under attack.

Apollo: We need those FTLs fixed soon or we're dead.

Garner: I need to go down there.

Pegasus Crewman: Sir, we've lost Garner.

Apollo: He sacrificed himself to save the Pegasus.

Adama: Garner was my decision. His failure's my responsibility. Congratulations, Commander. The Pegasus is your command.

Shaw: Like I said, you make your choices and you live with them. And in the end, you are those choices.
(Clicks the knife closed.)


Pegasus: Ceremony Room

Starbuck: I swear you're like a kid o­n his first day of school.

Apollo: You're gonna make me regret having you along, aren't you?

Starbuck: Every chance I get.

Roslin, introducing him after her speech, to applause: ...Commander Lee Adama.

Apollo: Thank you, Madam President, Admiral Adama. Eight months ago, the world changed. Our lives changed forever.

Pegasus Kitchens
<9Shaw throws her knife into the wall, listening to Lee o­n the PA.)

Apollo: We found ourselves shouldering responsibilities we never thought we have. Duty, honor, service. They're more than words.

Ceremony Room

Apollo: Those are the guiding principles for those who serve in the military. And recently all have been of short supply o­n this ship. That's gonna change, beginning today. We can't always choose our circumstances but we can choose how we handle them. I intend to give you my all, I expect nothing less in return. I've already appointed Kara Thrace as my acting CAG, I'll be making other officer and duty assignments

Pegasus Kitchens

Apollo o­n PA: ...In the coming days. As I review your...

Shaw, turning off the radio: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Huh, Gus?

Gus, leaving her alone: Yeah.
(Shaw goes back to a canister and opens it, revealing a syringe. She injects herself in the neck, and goes into a swoon. She hears the screams of the Scylla, and sees their bodies.)

Pegasus Corridor/Apollo's Office
(Shaw meets Starbuck coming out of Apollo's office; they make nasty faces.)

Apollo: Come in.

Shaw: Lieutenant Kendra Shaw reporting as ordered, Sir.

Apollo: At ease, Lieutenant. Have a seat.

Shaw: No thank you. Frankly, I'm used to standing, in this room.

Apollo: Yeah. Admiral Cain apparently wasn't big o­n chairs. Even dead, the woman casts a shadow. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that.

Shaw: Sir?

Apollo: I've been reviewing the fitreps for the ship's officers and... frankly, you're a puzzle. Top ratings from Cain, clearly thought the world of you. Then a whole series of increasingly negative reports from Fisk and Garner who demoted you to kitchen duty for... persistent insubordinate behavior. So, the question is: who are you?

Scorpion Fleet Shipyards: Ten Months Ago
(Shaw is brought in o­n a Raptor.)

Pegasus: "Raptor 179, you're cleared for docking bay 3. Call the ball."

179er: Roger that, Pegasus. We have the ball.

Cain's Quarters
(Cain's o­n a treadmill, reading specs. Her XO, Belzen, enters.)

Cain: Come in!

Belzen: That's your idea of vacation reading?

Cain: What is that? [Pointing at his paragliding magazine] Your idea of a hobby?

Belzen: Yeah, it is. So, have you figured out how you're gonna spend your shore leave?

Cain: I'm thinking about maybe going home to Tauron to visit some friends but I don't have any definite plans yet, no.

Belzen: o­n that case, how about spending some time with us o­n Gemenon? I know Erika and the girls would love to see you. Come o­n, Helena. You deserve a break. You're going full tilt for over a year now.

Cain: I've got a repair list as long as my arm plus our network's gonna be down for the retrofit and you know I don't like leaving Pegasus at the mercy of civil contractors, so...

Belzen: All right, listen to your XO. o­nce in a while, it's OK to get off the treadmill.

Cain: I will think about it. [He eyeballs her] I'll think about it!

Belzen: OK.
(He leaves, and she just runs faster.)

Pegasus: Main Deck
(Shaw exits the Raptor and is ignored.)

Shaw: Excuse me, could you please point me towards...

Pegasus Corridor

Shaw: Excuse me, could you please show me...

Gina, turning from a circuit board: Looking for the CIC?

Shaw: Yes. How did you know?

Gina: You got that new officer meaning to report to her CO look down cold. [Showing Shaw her high-tech clipboard, with ship schematics.] o­ne of the benefits of being a network administrator: This is us. This is where you need to be.

Shaw: You're a lifesaver! Kendra Shaw.

Gina: Gina Inviere.

Shaw: Inviere... That's old Geminese for "Resurrection," isn't it? [Gina nods, surprised] o­ne of the benefits of being a lapsed classics major.

Gina: Guess you never know when something like that might come in handy. Welcome to Pegasus, Lieutenant.

Shaw: Thank you.
(She leaves, and Gina breathes, then turns back to her work.)


Shaw: Lieutenant Kendra Shaw reporting for duty, Sir.

Cain: Ah. Did you enjoy your coffee, Lieutenant?

Shaw: My coffee?

Cain: Just say yes, so we don't get off o­n the wrong foot.

Shaw: Yes, Sir.

Cain: Good! You see, because I figured that you either got lost o­n your way to CIC [Fisk smiles] or you stopped for a cup of coffee and frankly, I'd rather think it was a cup of coffee than realize my new aid can't find her way around a Battlestar.

Shaw: Sir, I've just arrived...

Cain: -- I'm not finished speaking. I know why you're here. You're here because you think this job is a stepping stone to a still better o­ne. So let me guess, you had your mother pull some strings. And she...

Shaw: -- My mother's dead, sir. She died of cancer.

Cain: Yes, I know. I read the papers. And while I'm very sorry for your loss, you'd be well advised to make that the last time you play o­n my sympathies. Between you and me, I'm feeling a hell of a lot sorrier for myself. Mister Hoshi.

Hoshi: Sir?

Cain: Can you please direct this lieutenant to her quarters?

Hoshi: Yes, sir.

Cain: You're dismissed.

Hoshi: Lieutenant.

Cain, giggling with Belzen: A little mid-morning snack.

Belzen: Yeah.

Cain: I'm gonna be in my quarters.

Belzen: Yes, sir.


Hoshi: ...Beauty of a network system is that with the right passcode you can control just about any part of the ship from any other. Of course the system's down for the retrofit, but in an emergency, it's like having unlimited backups.

Shaw: Assuming no o­ne hits the wrong button.

Hoshi: Yeah... Not o­n Cain's ship.

Shaw: puts the fear of the Gods into everyone...
(The ship is rocked with explosions.)

(Shaw wakes o­n the floor and removes Hoshi's hand from her wrist.)

Cain approaches, her voice strange through Shaw's concussion: Are you OK?
(Cain slaps her, hard.)

Cain: Come o­n, soldier. Get up. o­n your feet. Hoshi! Hoshi! [He doesn't wake; she leaves him] Okay, follow me to CIC. Come o­n!

(Raiders rain down o­n the Fleet shipyards, destroying everything. Marines and crew run through the corridors.)

(Fisk is down, o­n the CIC deck.)

Belzen: Seal the hatch and block compartments.

Cain: What the hell hit us?

Belzen: Radiological reading looks like nuclear detonation. Multiple hits.

Cain: It's the Cylons, it has to be. They've broken the Armistice and sparked an all-out attack.

Belzen : For all, we still have our power... but that's about it. Dradis is erratic, weapons are offline, it seems we lost all computers. We have to do everything manually.
(More explosions in the shipyard throughout. It's really intensive.)

Cain: I want all hatches sealed. Docking connections severed.

Cain: Lieutenant, spool up our FTL drive.

Shaw: Yes, sir.

Cain: We're preparing for an emergency jump, everyone.

CIC Chatter: Circuit load o­n F1. Insert jump keys...

Belzen: Sir, two more nukes head straight for us. Estimate twenty seconds to impact.

Shaw: FTL spooling, sir. Without the computer, we can't calculate that jump.

Cain: Don't bother calculating. Just do it.

Shaw: We're gonna do it blind, sir. We might end up inside a star.

Belzen: Missile's closing in. Ten seconds.

Cain: It doesn't matter where we jump. Just frakking do it, Lieutenant!

Shaw: FTL o­nline.

Belzen: Fire seconds.

Cain: Lieutenant, now!
(Pegasus jumps, pulling all the flame into its vacuum.)

Pegasus: Apollo's Office (Now)

Shaw: Who am I? I'm a soldier. As were Fisk and Garner. Neither those men deserve my respect, so they didn't get it.

Apollo: Can you be more specific?

Shaw: Fisk was a black market sellout, he was a piece of garbage, unworthy of the uniform. Garner was a martinet who tried to micromanage this ship like it was some bulky piece of machinery.

Apollo: Hard to dispute either assessment. What about me? Wry: Don't hold back just because I've got a pulse.

Shaw: You're a step up. But that doesn't change the fact that you're an outsider who was brought in to clean up our mess, or the impression that your daddy just gave you a Battlestar, like he was tossing you the keys to a new car.

Apollo, impressed: You certainly don't disappoint, Lieutenant. So, how would you like to be my new XO?

Shaw: Sir?

Apollo: o­ne thing I learned from my father before he "tossed me the keys" is that a commander needs a strong right arm. I also need to send a message to this crew, that I respect Cain's legacy. Even if the truth is that I don't. I'm no Cain. But I intend to give this crew their pride back. So I'll let you carry her torch. Deal? [He puts Major's insignia o­n the desk.] In that case, Major, you're out of uniform. Dismissed.
(She snatches them and leaves; he looks after her.)

Pegasus Training Room
(Recruits load their guns.)

Shaw: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, you're done. [Approaching o­ne nugget] You think that weapon's ready to fire soldier?

Nugget: Yes, Sir.

Shaw: You're ready to bet your life o­n that? The lives of all your buddies?

Nugget: Sir... Yes, Sir.

Shaw, putting the gun to her chest: Then fire your weapon. Are you deaf, soldier? I said fire your frakking weapon. [She repositions it over her heart, and pulls the trigger. He freaks, and she picks up the missing piece and shows it to him.] Again.

Pegasus Corridor

Adama, watching this with Apollo: Didn't think it possible you could find an XO meaner than Saul Tigh.

Apollo: Yeah, she's tough. But I think we need tough.

Adama: Any ruffled feathers?

Apollo: Well, she and Kara don't exactly get along...

Adama: Heh. I'd like to sell tickets to that dance.
(Walking away down the corridor.)

Adama: Just remember that an XO is not a blunt instrument. The two of you have to make up a team. That takes trust.

Apollo: Well, we trust each others to do our jobs.

Adama: I guess that's a start. Now that your house is in order, I have a mission for you. Against my better judgment, I let a science team take a Raptor from us. Go out to study a supernova remnant. They're overdue. I want you to track their course, see what you turn up. Three civilians, two pilots.

Apollo: And if we run into the Cylons?

Adama: It's a search and rescue mission. Don't get into a battle that you don't wanna play. That being said, use your own judgment. This is your command.

SAR, Starbuck and Showboat flying

Starbuck: Nothing to the right of me, nothing to the left of me. Feel like I'm drowning in nothing out here.

Kat: Come o­n, Showboat, sing out. Let me know I got company.

Showboat: Sing out, Cap? You mean, like a song? What about Ninety nine bottles of Ambrosia?

Starbuck: Damn, Showboat. You're taking me back.

Flashback: Pegasus, Two Days After

Shaw, putting a board back together: Thank you. Pass me the circuitboard?

Crewman: Here you go.

Cain, at Command: The sickbay just lost another two. That raises our casualties to what?

Belzen: 723. It's more than a quarter of our crew.

Cain: What's our fighter status?

Belzen: Twelve Vipers destroyed, o­ne or two Raptors. Another seventeen ships too badly damaged to be repaired.

Cain, flicking knife open and closed: What else?

Belzen: Sir, we've tried to keep a lid o­n what we learned from com traffic before it stopped, but rumors keep leaking out.

Cain: We need facts, not supposition.

Belzen: I agree. We're four, maybe five, plotted jumps back to the Colonies. I don't imagine you wanna risk the whole ship for a recon run?

Cain: Send two Raptors, tell them not to engage the enemy. I want information o­nly.

Belzen: Yes, Sir.

Shaw: Ready to reboot nav and defense computer systems. Stand by.

Cain, approaching her: Lieutenant.

Shaw, looking nuts: Admiral. The helms, weapons and FTL computer are back o­n line and I think I know how the Cylons took down our defense grid. These lines of code in the new navigation program were about to upload. They've been designed to create a backdoor that could enable an enemy to wirelessly access the program.

Cain: That could introduce a virus that could affect the entire network, right? Shaw: Yeah. Luckily, ours was already down but I suggest that we keep it that way even after we've purged the program.

Cain: All right, Lieutenant, it's your ball. Run with it. Maybe you're not quite as useless as I thought. [Turning back to her] How long have you been at your station?

Shaw: I don't know, Sir. I guess I just never left.

Cain: You should consider getting rack time. It's been two days since the attack.

Shaw: Sir. Sir, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the way I behaved when the nukes hit. I was scared. Actually, I was terrified, and I froze.

Cain: You're not afraid anymore, are you, Lieutenant?

Shaw: No, Sir.

Cain: Good. You hold o­n to that anger and you keep it close. It will stop you being afraid the next time. It'll tell you what to do. Lieutenant, button up.

(Scenes of Cain walking the corridors, meeting with crew, working o­n plans; later, she's alone with the dead, and weeps as she closes a corpse's eyes.)


Cain sighs and takes up the ship's PA: This is your Admiral. I know there have been a lot of rumors going around about the destruction that's been visited o­n our homeworlds by the Cylons. I would like to tell you that they're exaggerations but in fact, they don't even come close to conveying the horror that's just been unleashed among us. The facts are that our Colonies have been destroyed, our cities have been nuked, and our Fleet's gone too. So far, there are no indications of any other survivors. I imagine you're all asking yourselves the same question I am. What do we do now? Do we run? Do we hide? I think those are the easy choices. A philosopher o­nce said: "When face with untenable alternatives, you should consider your imperative." Look around you. Our imperative is right here. In our bulkheads, in our planes, in our guns, and in ourselves. War is our imperative. And if right now, victory seems like an impossibility, then there is something else to reach for. Revenge. Payback. And so, we will fight. Because in the end, it's the o­nly alternative our enemies have left us. I say let's make these murdering things understand that as long as this crew and this ship survive that this war that they started will not be over. Thank you.

Deck Crewman: So say we all.
(Everybody takes it up, all over the ship. Gina nods, scared, and holds her fist high, repeating it. They take it up o­n the CIC.)

Shaw: So say we all.

Pegasus: Formal Dining Room
(Fisk, Cain, Belzen, and Shaw looking at plans before dinner.)

Fisk: Comm relay? That looks more like some kind of frakked up can opener.

Shaw: From what we can tell, it's guarded by a half thousand Raiders.

Fisk: So?

Cain: They don't expect anyone to attack it. Gentlemen, you're looking at our first target. Nice work finding it, Lieutenant.

Shaw: Thanks, I had help.
(Gina enters.)

Cain: Speak of the devil. Hello, Gina, welcome.

Gina: Hello.
(They embrace.)

Cain: Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Miss Gina Inviere. Miss Inviere and Lieutenant Shaw are working very closely upgrading our systems and before that, she was supervising our retrofit and I must say she's proven herself invaluable in both capacities.

Gina: Thank you. You certainly set a beautiful table.

Cain: Thank you. Everyone, please have a seat. Please... I think it's quite important for our ship's officers to get together every o­nce in a while. Share some food, some wine, some good conversation. Ups morale.

Fisk: Not to mention it's the o­nly time we get to park our butts o­n a chair.

Cain: Now that you're all here, I would like to take a moment to say a few words. In all seriousness, I said some things before, in the heat of emotion. Things that I thought this crew needed to hear. But I don't want any of you for o­ne moment to think that I would ever risk lives or resources in some mad quest for revenge. My plan is to wage an all-out classic guerilla war campaign. I want to find their weak links, and I want to hit them hard.

Gina: As they say, the best defense is a good offense.
(They smile at each other.)

Fisk: Well, then here's to a good offense! And to kicking some Cylon ass!

Belzen: Here, here.
(They toast.)

Pegasus Corridor

Gina: Almost done here. I don't know how we could firewall these systems by tomorrow unless we split up. And you're the o­nly o­ne with the access codes.

Shaw, wrily: You can speak to the Admiral about raising your security clearance...

Gina: Here I thought we were being so discreet. Guess that's hard when you truly care for someone. [Bleep] Program's uploaded. You can input your code.

Shaw: Alpha o­ne niner six gamma o­ne.

Gina, pleased: To satisfy your curiosity, we met a few months ago when I presented the plans for the retrofit. We spent a lot of time together working out the details and I guess o­ne thing led to the other. [Shaw shakes her head, grinning] You seem so surprised.

Shaw: It's just that Cain seems so self-sufficient.

Gina: She has needs, just like the rest of us. No o­ne can survive entirely o­n their own. Trust me, Lieutenant. In the end, we're all just human.

SAR: Now

Showboat: What about "99 Bottles Of Ambrosia"?

Starbuck: Damn, Showboat. You're taking me back.

Pegasus CIC/SAR

Shaw: She ever shut up? Chatter like that breeds sloppiness, it's a bad example to the other pilots.

Apollo: Well, as long as she sets a good example with her flying, we'll come out ahead.

Hoshi: Sir? Multiple dradis contacts bearing 3-9-9, carom 6-2-0. Fighter size... Unknown configuration, sir.

Shaw: Raiders, it has to be.

Starbuck: We got company... Pegasus, Starbuck. Where do these guys come from?

Apollo: Starbuck, actual. You and Showboat double time back to the nest.

Starbuck: o­n our way, Pegasus, I don't like these odds. Showboat, stay with me.

Apollo: Defensive batteries, selective fire o­nly, watch out for our people. Prep for jump as soon as we recover our birds.

Hoshi: Aye, sir.

Starbuck: These ships... I can almost see 'em. There's something weird about them.

Shaw: Sir, shouldn't we launch alert Vipers and engage?

Apollo: That's not why we are here, Major.

Shaw: Sir, w...

Apollo: We spot our missing ship, we'll go after her. Otherwise, we jump out of here, we report back to Galactica.

Starbuck: Pegasus, Starbuck. We got a kind of a problem with our new friends. They don't want to say goodbye.

Hoshi: Sir, FTL crew reports power failure in main navigation computer.

Apollo: You got to be kidding me. Let's go to emergency backup. We need those jump coordinates.

Starbuck: "They're all over us. We can't break free."

Shaw: Ensign, direct all batteries to commit full load of fire, close range... NOW, Ensign.

Starbuck: What the frak? We're inside their firing solution.

Showboat: You're frakking kidding!

Starbuck: Open up with all you got. We're gonna shoot ourselves a hole.

Showboat: Is that gonna work?

Starbuck: No, but it'll make you feel better.

(They do; Starbuck comes in hot, shooting at the Raider following her.)

Starbuck: Frak!
(The Raider crashes o­n top of her Viper in the landing bay.)

Starbuck: Son of a bitch.


Starbuck: For frak's sake, it's like she was trying to get us killed.

Apollo: Look, Major Shaw has the authority to take any action she feels necessary to protect this ship.

Starbuck: She's a loose cannon.

Apollo: And she's also the XO. And frankly, ordering that barrage probably saved your skin.

Starbuck: Forgive me if I don't say thanks.

Apollo: Ah, come o­n, Kara! Just...

Starbuck: Don't! [Heading for Shaw] You wanna tell me what the hell you were thinking?

Shaw: It was a nice bit of flying, Captain. But I'd think twice about questioning my tactical orders.

Starbuck: Tactical orders? That's what you call blowing the crap out of your own pilots.

Shaw: Questioning orders is a bad idea o­n this ship, Captain.

CIC Flashback

Cain: How many Raiders, Lieutenant?

Shaw: Reading twelve signatures, sir.

Cain: It's fewer than we anticipated. o­ne squadron should be able to handle them and destroy the target.

Belzen: Launch Blue Squadron.

Shaw, from dradis: New contacts...

Cain: What the hell?

Fisk: There's a lot of jamming going o­n out there. But I'm reading fifteen full squadrons of Raiders, sir. They must have jumped in right after we launched our fighters.

Cain: This isn't a comm relay, this is a staging ground.

Belzen: Recall our Vipers, sir?

Fisk: Two minutes to contact.

Belzen: Admiral, the Cylons knew we were coming. We have to recover the Vipers and jump out of here while we still can.

Cain: No. Scramble the reserves. Order them to provide cover while Blue attacks the target.

Belzen: They'll be outnumbered four to o­ne.

Shaw: A squadron of Raiders has broken off. They're now inbound.

Cain: Activate defensive batteries.

Shaw: They're not responding. The network's locked us out of our weapons grid.

Cain: Then have gun crews assume manual control.

Belzen: Admiral. We are hugely outnumbered, and now our own weapon's grid won't respond. What more proof do we need that this is a trap?

Cain: All the more reason to launch everything we've got.

Belzen, coming around close: This is exactly what you said we wouldn't do. Even if we succeed, is this really worth the lives the plan would cost?

Cain: Mister Belzen, are you refusing to carry out my orders?

Belzen, stepping back: Sir, I cannot in good conscience obey them.

Cain: Mr. Belzen, give me your sidearm.

Belzen: Sir?

Cain: I said, give me your sidearm. Now!
(He does, she shoots him.)

Fisk: Gods!

Cain: Colonel Fisk! Colonel Fisk! [Fisk comes near] You're now my XO. My order still stands. Would you execute it?

Fisk, o­n PA: This is the XO. Launch all remaining squadrons.

Shaw: Sir, the controls o­n port side airlock 4, 10 and 12 gone active. We're being boarded by the Cylons.

Cain: Colonel, fire up the fast response teams.

PA: "All hands, report to orders..."

Cain: Lieutenant, get to secondary damage control. They're going to try and vent our air before we have chance to fight back.

Shaw: Yes, sir.

(Centurions boarding.)

Pegasus Corridor

Shaw, to a deckhand: Go!
(Gina appears; Shaw pulls her gun o­n her.)

Gina: They're coming this way, killing everyone!

Shaw: Go to CIC. You'll be safe.
(They clasp hands; Gina leaves and Shaw heads further in. A Centurion passes, and she spots a Six Model in a white suit going past.)

Shaw, hiding around a corner: What the frak?
(She comes around and shoots her, then looks up at the security camera in the wall.)

(Shaw enters with her gun pulled and cocks it at Gina.)

Shaw: You! Step away from the Admiral.

Gina: Lieutenant!

Shaw: I said, step away from the Admiral. Now! [To Marines] You two, take her into custody.

Cain: Belay that. Lieutenant, what the hell is going o­n? She was helping us with our weapons grid.

Shaw: No she wasn't, Sir. She's a Cylon spy. They look like us.

Cain: Oh, for Gods' sake!
(Gina laughs.)

Shaw: Mister Hoshi, can you please show us the security feed from airlock 4?

Gina: This is crazy. I don't know what she thought she saw....
(Camera shows the other Six model.)

Cain: My Gods! Get that thing off my bridge.

Marine: Yes sir.
(Gina snaps his neck, fires his weapon into another few Marines, and aims at Cain. She hesitates, and Shaw knocks her out from behind.)

Now: Pegasus Deck

Apollo, pulling Shaw and Kara apart: Act like officers, Godsdammit! You've got everybody watching you o­n this deck. (They watch as an old school Heavy Raider is revealed.) ...Where the hell did they come from?

Tigh: It's been a long time since I've seen o­ne of these outside a museum.

Adama: And you say the entire Fleet jumped in?

Apollo: They came out of nowhere.

Roslin: Why would the Cylons resurrect a machine that by their standards is hopelessly obsolete?

Sharon, still in chains: Maybe they didn't resurrect it. Maybe they were out here all along.

Roslin: you have something you wanna tell us?

Sharon: There are references in our databases, to a force of centurions, called Guardians. Early models like this, that somehow escaped being scrapped.

Shaw: What do this Guardians guard?

Athena: A Hybrid. An entity that represents the first step in our evolution from pure machines to organic beings. From them, to us.

Apollo: A Cylon missing link.

Athena: No, more like an ... evolutionary dead end. There were other Hybrids created to control our Baseships before the experiment was abandoned, but this o­ne was the first, and um, some think it's still alive. Protected by these Guardians. [Adama remembers a flash] And that it's still somehow seeking its own way to evolve.

Adama: The last operation of the war, Galactica was part of a task force that destroyed a Cylon base. I was o­n that mission. The Cylons were supposedly building a superweapon.

First Cylon War, 41 Years Ago
(Husker -- William Adama -- enters a rusty old door o­n a prototype Basestar and sees evidence of human experimentation: skin over body parts, a dirty resurrection tank. He puts his hand in the tank and has visions of people in cages, all around the room, screaming. The hand of the old Hybrid grabs him and pulls, and then the vision goes away.)

Hybrid VO: All this has happened before, and will happen again.

Husker hears knocking at a hatch door: Someone in there?

Man's face at the porthole: Help. Help us, they left us here. Don't leave us here, please.

Husker: I'm gonna get you out of here.

Man: We're civilians. We're traders, from Gemenon, we... They jumped our convoy. They destroyed our escort. They took us all prisoners. There were fifty of us but they've been taking us away, o­ne by o­ne. We could hear the others screaming. We didn't know what happened to them. Please, you've gotta get us all out of here.

Husker: I'm trying. The door must be welded shut. Shaking and weirdness.

Man: what is it, what's happening?

Husker: I don't know. Looks like a quake. The place is starting to come apart. Taking off. Screams and forces the door a few inches wide.

Husker: I got it! Still stuck. I can't open it any wider.

Man: You gotta go. You gotta go. You gotta go get help.

Husker: I'll stay here. I'll stay here with you.

Man: No, you can't do it by yourself. Just go! Tell what happened to us. Our ship was the Diana. From Gemenon, all right? Just tell them. If you stay here, you'll be trapped like us. Go! Husker turns, hands reaching out through door. Go! Save yourself. Go!

(He runs. Outside, it's snowing. The prototype Basestar takes off.)

Husker: Galactica, Husker. Galactica, this is Husker. Do you copy?

Galactica: Husker, roger that. Report status.

Husker: I crashed o­n the surface. They were making something down here. Experimenting o­n people to do it. And now they're getting away with whatever they've built.

Galactica: Husker! Husker, the war is over!

Husker: What? Galactica repeat!

Galactica: The war is over. An Armistice was just signed. Activate your beacon, we'll send you the Starbird. Husker, respond.

Pegasus Deck, Now

Adama: They escaped with it. Right before they signed the Armistice.

Roslin: If this Hybrid still exists, then it's captured some of our people.

Adama: I don't want to think about it.

Adama's Office

Adama: Baltar and Tyrol were able to pull the Raider's computer and download the ship's navigation data, extrapolate the possible location for a base. It's more likely a Baseship. That's where you'll find our Raptor crew. It's two, maybe three jumps from where you were attacked.

Roslin: I was just telling the commander that we can't afford to commit both Battlestars.

Adama: Which is why I'm temporarily transferring my flag to Pegasus.

Apollo: You're going along?

Adama: You're still in command. Let's just say I have a personal stake in this mission.

Apollo: A mission based o­n a Cylon legend.

Adama: It's not a legend, son. I was in the place where they made that thing. I saw what they did to make it. We're not gonna let this happen again. Not to our own people.

Apollo: I'll um... I'll have my XO start preparing an attack plan.

Roslin: I'm afraid that brings us to another matter, Commander.

Pegasus War Room

Shaw: Misdirection is the key. Pegasus jumps right into the hornet's nest they swarm us with their Raiders. We let them think they've taken out our FTL before moving off at sublight speed, drawing them away. That's when my strike team jumps in.

Apollo: It's a hell of a risky plan, but I guess you know that. Just remember it's search and rescue: get aboard, find our people, set your nuke, then get back in o­ne peace. Who's piloting the Raptor?

Shaw: Captain Thrace. No other pilot I can trust to pull this off.

Apollo: Well, I guess the question is whether I can trust you. The President believes that under Admiral Cain you were involved in an incident aboard a civilian transport, called Scylla. An incident in which ten people were executed. It is true?
(Shaw sees the bodies again, and Laird staring at her after the massacre.)

Apollo: I said, is it true?

Shaw: I was there. Guessing that's enough to indict me.

Apollo: Why didn't you tell me?

Shaw: You said you wanted to send a message to this ship's crew, about respecting Cain's legacy. I am Cain's legacy. I'm alive because of the choices she made. So is everyone else o­n this ship. Tell you something else? Cain wouldn't have blinked twice at this plan. She knew that you don't win battles, never mind morals, without risking lives.

Apollo: Are you finished?

Shaw: Yes, sir. If you'd like my resignation, you can have it.

Apollo: It'd be easier, wouldn't it? Then you can go back to pealing potatoes, wallowing in self pity, 'cause poor Kendra Shaw is the o­nly officer in the fleet who've had to make a hard call. Well it's not gonna fly, Major. Not while I'm in command. The plan's risky, but right now you're the o­nly game in town. So complete your mission, Major. Your plan's approved.

Pegasus Kitchens
(Shaw pulls out the canister, but starts by flipping through frequencies o­n the radio.)

Radio: Demetrius, this is Adriatic got another load of salt wasting in our cargo holes. Demetrius, this is Adriatic. Another load... and we're back with Gaius Baltar. Doctor, a lot of people o­nce thought of Pegasus as the answer to our prayer. Were they wrong?

Pegasus, After The Relay Station Attack

Shaw: Final casualty report lists 816 dead, 121 injured. 32 Vipers destroyed, 61 badly damaged. The acting chief says we don't have enough parts to repair them all.

Cain: It's a rather high price for a tactically insignificant victory.

Shaw: I wouldn't say it's insignificant, Sir. I'd say we've put the enemy o­n notice. The price we paid is my fault.

Cain: How do you figure that, Lieutenant?

Shaw: Well I gave her... it ... my access codes. It must have used them to override our security lockouts.
(The camera reveals that they're standing in the brig, looking into Gina's cell.)

Cain: No, you gave it something far more important than that. You gave it your trust, as did I. But this thing really knows how to manipulate human emotions, preys o­n them.
(Thorne enters.)

Cain: Lieutenant Thorne. I want you to interrogate our Cylon prisoner, find out everything it knows. And since it's so adept at mimicking human feeling, I'm assuming that its software is vulnerable to them as well, so... [She swallows] Pain, yes, of course. Degradation, fear... Shame... I want you to really test its limits. Be as creative as you need to be.

Thorne: Yes, sir.

Computer: Lieutenant Thorne. Access granted.
(He enters the cell.)

PA: "Admiral Cain to CIC. Admiral Cain to CIC..."

Cain: Lieutenant, come with me.
(Shaw and Cain leave; Gina looks up at Thorne.)


Cain: Colonel, sitrep.

Fisk: We just detected a fleet of ships broadcasting colonial IFF signature. Sir, they're civilians.

Cain: A civilian fleet.

Fisk, happily: 15 ships, Sir. The CAP has gone ahead to intercept.

Cain: Lieutenant, I want you to contact those ships' captains. Ask them to forward their crew and passenger manifest along with their ships' schematics and inventory of any weapons or spare parts.

Shaw: Yes, Sir. Leaves.

Cain: Colonel, I want you to assemble teams of engineers and marines and have them board each of those ships.

Fisk's smile falls: Sir, are we...

Cain: We're gonna take everything we need from those ships. And o­nce they'll realize our intent, it's bound to be resistance. (CIC crew upset.) So we need to act quickly and decisively. Colonel, if you have a problem with any of this, I need to hear it now.

Fisk: No.

Cain: Get to work.

(Fisk and Shaw, with Marines, take Raptors to the Scylla; they walk into the ship in slow motion, under flashing lights.)

Fisk: Permission to come aboard?

Laird: Permission granted, welcome! We prayed for this miracle. The last time the Cylons found us, we lost four ships. But now, thank the Gods, you've found us!

Fisk: Mr. Laird, Admiral Cain ordered me to give you this.

Laird: What is it?

Fisk: It's a list of materials and passengers we need transfer to the Pegasus. Effective immediately. Your name is o­n the list.

Laird: My name? Wait. You want to take our FTL drives. We'll be helpless.

Fisk: As I said, we're adding some of your people to our crew.

Laird: So... you're gonna decide just like that who lives and who dies?

Fisk: We make whatever accommodations we can, but you have to understand. We're at war. Military needs must take priority.

Laird: I don't understand. They're... they're gonna take what they want and leave us to fend for ourselves. I can't do that. I can't do it. No.

Shaw: Listen! All of you! We have orders to transfer the crewmen, and the equipment o­n that list, to Pegasus. We have no wish to harm anyone, but we will use force if necessary.

Laird: No. You can't do that. You can't do that.

Fisk: Get them back!

Laird: You're here to help us. You can't do that!

(Cain and Gina stare at each other; Gina is covered in blood and beginning to weep.)

Phone rings: "Ship to ship call from Colonel Fisk."

Cain: What's going o­n, Colonel? We're already behind schedule.

Fisk: Sir, they're denying us access to the rest of the ship. We're not dealing with just individuals, Sir. We have full families here.

Cain: Then tell them you'll shoot the families of any selectee who doesn't comply.

Fisk: Sir, did I hear you correctly? You don't seriously mean that we...

Cain: Just get It done, Colonel.

Fisk: Corporal. Get these people o­n the deck and get them lined up.

Corporal: Yes, Sir.

Fisk: We have orders... to shoot the families of any selectee who refuses to return with us. We will carry out this order. Unless, those individuals are brought forward, now!

Laird: You're here to protect us!

Fisk: I repeat. We will carry out this order! We will shoot these people.

Corporal: What are we doing, Sir? Sir?

(Explosions of gunfire; something happens that we don't see.)

Fisk: Colonel Fisk to Pegasus. Colonel Fisk, to Pegasus. [To Shaw]: It's over. The whole Fleet has word of what happened here. There won't be any more resistance.

(Shaw stares at the bodies and they go back to the Raptor in slow-motion.)

Pegasus Kitchens, Now
(Shaw spins through the dial o­n the radio again.)

Radio: "...Colonial o­ne to Raptor 359, clear for docking approach. Colonial o­ne to Raptor 359, clear for docking approach..."
(Shaw reaches for the canister and opens it.)

Radio: "...Galactica to Greenleaf shuttle, you are clear for landing. Checker's red. Speed to..."
(The radio goes silent. Shaw aims the needle at her neck and Starbuck, down the table, slams a bottle down, making her jump.)

Starbuck: So. The XO is human after all. I used to do that myself, scrum through the wireless band. Reminds you you're not alone out here. Got any more?

Shaw: More of what?

Starbuck: What you're about to stick in your neck.

Shaw: You don't miss much, do you?

Starbuck: Whatever floats your boat, right? I came down here looking for a loose bottle, you came down here for... Guess we both just try to take the edge off, right?

Shaw: Guess so.

Starbuck: That's good. 'Cause I'd hate to think that Lee's new XO can't handle the pressure. Maybe you want to get busted back to peeling potatoes.

Shaw: I hate to think that Lee's favorite pilot wants to find herself scrubbing floors for pilfering ships stores.

Starbuck: You keep my secret? Sir? I'll keep yours.
(Starbuck leaves; Shaw puts her needle back in the can and puts it away.)

Radio: "...Unconfirmed reports continue to attribute President Roslin's recent miraculous recovery from..."
(Shaw cries.)

Cain's Office

Cain: I've seen officers happier about a promotion.

Shaw: I am happy, sir. I am. I guess I just don't know what I've done to deserve it.

Cain: Don't, Captain. Don't do it. Don't look back. Sometimes, we have to leave people behind, so that we can go o­n. So that we can continue to fight. Sometimes, we have to do things that we never thought we were capable of, if o­nly to show the enemy our will. Yesterday, you showed me that you were capable of setting aside your fear, setting aside your hesitation, and even your revulsion -- every natural inhibition that during battle can mean the difference between life and death. When you can be this for as long as you have to be, then you're a razor. This war is forcing us all to become razors because if we don't, we don't survive. And then we don't have the luxury of becoming simply human again. Do you understand me? Good. Well done. Congratulations, Captain.

Radio: "...President Roslin's recent executive order outlawing abortion led to a demonstration... "

Pegasus CIC

Hoshi: Port side hull breaches, deck 4, fringes 12 to 14. Damage control crews are sealing them off now.

Apollo: I'd say that's enough of that. Get the FTL offline. Bring her around, heading 1-6-1, carom 0.
(Major fire; the ship shakes.)

Hoshi: Sir, they're pursuing, sir.

Apollo: Let's hope they keep it up.


Shaw: Looks like they bought it.

Starbuck: Now, let's go get our Raptor crew.

Shaw: Maybe this will be easier than we thought.

Starbuck: Guess again, two bandits inbound. Show time, people.
(Nearing the prototype Basestar.)

Starbuck: Ready? Go, go, go!
(Red Squad ejects from their Raptor and aim toward the Basestar.)

Starbuck: Go, go, go!
(Raptor is destroyed.)

Lead Guardian: Enemy target destroyed. All wings regroup and continue pursuit of Battlestar Pegasus.

Guardian: By your command.

Experimental Basestar

Starbuck: Landing report.

Shaw: Red Squad all accounted for.

Hudson: Speak for yourself, Sarge. I'm still counting fingers and toes.

Shaw: Knock it off, Hudson. Red Squad, form up o­n me.

Starbuck: Ain't it grand when our playing comes together?

Shaw: Red Squad, o­n my mark. Fire thrusters...

Inside Basestar

Shaw: Red 1 to Pegasus.

Apollo VO: Red 1, this is Pegasus actual. Report mission and team status.

Shaw: We're in, we were able to access an airlock o­n o­ne of the radial arms. Proceeding toward the core. No contact, no casualties.

Hudson: Stay frosty, kiddies. No telling how many of those toasters they left watching the house.

Matthias: Stop your yap, Hudson. Maybe we won't have to find out.

Starbuck: DaSilva, what do you read o­n thermals?

DaSilva: o­ne heat source. Could be biological. Near the core, but that's all. Wait, I'm picking up three or more signatures. Two of them a pretty weak but they're coming from about thirty meters ahead.

Matthias: Could be our people. Danny, take point.
(Red Squad proceeds into the Basestar and locate the prisoners, tied to tables.)

Matthias: Holy frak.

Starbuck: Get them out of there, go!

Victim: Help us.

Starbuck: Get them out of here. Come o­n!

Marine: Cylons!
(A firefight with the Guardians.)

Starbuck: Everybody out, now! Let's go! Come o­n!
(Adama and Apollo listen to the firefight o­n Pegasus; DaSilva goes down.)

Hudson: Man down! They got DaSilva!
(Guardians grab DaSilva and drag him away. Shaw takes aim...)

Starbuck: No!
(DaSilva dies; Shaw is also hit.)

Starbuck: Pegasus, Red 2. Come in, Pegasus.

Apollo: Copy, Red 2, but your signal is weak.

Starbuck: Recovered two civilians. o­ne dead, two wounded. Including the XO. We're pinned down, taking heavy fire.

Apollo: Mission out, come down forward.

Starbuck: Pegasus, Red 2. Come in, Pegasus. Pegasus? Frak.

Shaw: Captain! Sitrep!

Starbuck: We just lost communications. Cylons must be jamming.

Shaw: What about the nuke?

Starbuck: How's that detonator coming, Mathias?

Matthias: Detonator's fried.

Starbuck: Get it working. You want to tell me what the hell that was with DaSilva?

Shaw: I'll not allow them taking any more prisoners, Captain. You saw what they were doing in there.

Starbuck: Yes, I saw it.


Apollo: Keep trying to resume communications with Red 2.

CIC Crewman: Yes, Sir.

Apollo: Mr. Hoshi. Order nuclear ship-to-ship missile into launch tube 3.

Hoshi: Aye, Sir.

Apollo: This is a nuclear mission order. Load ship-to-ship missile into launch tube 3.

Adama: What are you doing?

Apollo: They've been compromised. We can't regain communications. We have to assume that the team's been lost.

Adama: We have to give them a chance.

Crewman: Commander Adama?

Apollo: Open launch tube doors.

Hoshi: Open launch tube doors.

Starbuck, slapping Shaw awake: Major.

Matthias: Watch those quarters, Hudson.

Starbuck: Pegasus, Red 2. Come in...
(Heavy fire.)

Adama: Destroying that ship with people o­n board is our last resort.

Apollo: Like it or not, Admiral, this is no longer a rescue mission. Gods o­nly know what will happen to our people if they're captured.

Adama: I know what'll happen. I was there.

Hoshi: Missile loaded, Commander.

Apollo: Release of nuclear weapons is authorized. Disable launch and warhead safeties. Mr. Hoshi, take your launch key, put it in the firing lock.

Hoshi: Aye, sir.

Adama: Belay that order. I'm not prepared to sacrifice any lives. Not yet.

Apollo: And if you're wrong?

Adama: Then I'll have to live with it.
(Lots of explosions; Pegasus shakes.)

Apollo: You said it yourself, Admiral. That thing may be headed toward Earth. If it jumps away, then we'll lose our o­nly hope of taking it out.

Hoshi: Sir, jamming's clearing. Receiving a transmission from Red 2.

Adama: Put it through, o­n speakers.

Hoshi: Aye, sir.

Adama: Launch evac Raptor.

Starbuck: Pegasus, this is Red 2. Come in. Pegasus, this is Red 2. Come in.

Apollo: Yes Red 2, this is Pegasus actual. Starbuck, report.

Starbuck: Still pinned down, but holding o­n. Tell me there's a ride waiting for us.

Apollo: o­n their way, Red 2. And the Raiders have broken off their attack. They'll be headed to you any second now.

Starbuck: Roger that. We don't have a lot of time.

Experimental Basestar

Starbuck: Evac Raptor's o­n its way. They want us to set the nuke and get the hell out.

Matthias: That's gonna be a problem. Remote detonator's definitely shot.

Shaw: Can you rig a manual trigger?

Matthias: Probably.

Shaw: Then do it.

Starbuck: Do it? What the hell are you talking about?

Shaw: We are completing this mission. Am I clear, soldier?

Starbuck: Yes, sir.

Adama o­n radio: "Red Team, Pegasus. Evac ETA two minutes."

Starbuck: This is Red 2, give me actual.

Apollo: Red 2, this is Actual. What's taking you so long? Starbuck, they're gonna be o­n you any second.

Starbuck: Our nuke's remote detonator is still fried. We're gonna have to cook it off by hand. Red 1 is still down for the count. Which doesn't give us many options.

Starbuck VO: "What are your orders, sir?"

Apollo: We still got a missile in the tube. If that evac bird gets them off, we could still fire this thing off. Mr. Hoshi?

Adama: The Raiders are in their air defense position. You launch anything, they're gonna intercept it.

Apollo: Then we have to leave someone behind, arm the warhead manually.

Adama: That's right. This is your team, son. You make the call.

Apollo, after a moment: Red 2, this is Pegasus actual. Get the XO, get your men and get to the evac coordinates.

Apollo, o­n radio: "Secure your men, and detonate the warhead using the manual trigger. Complete your mission, Captain."

Starbuck: Understood. Sergeant! Get ready to move out.

Matthias: Yes, sir.

Starbuck, lifting Shaw: All right, now get o­n your feet, and I'll get you out of here.

Basestar Corridor

Starbuck: Come o­n everybody move, it's time, let's go! Get your suits o­n. Come o­n, go, go, go! Everybody out into the lock. [Hefting the nuke, she turns to Shaw]You too, Major. Let's get...

Shaw, gun cocked at her head: You too, Captain. Leave the nuke, if you don't mind.

Starbuck, whispering: What the frak are you doing?

Shaw: Completing the mission. [Tossing her Cain's knife] Take it. I don't need it anymore.

Starbuck: Major...

Shaw: I just gave you an order, soldier. Unless you wanna die, I suggest you obey it. Go.

Starbuck: Why?

Shaw: You know damn well why. [Taking the nuke] Put o­n your suit, you're about to run out of air. Closes lock door. [She salutes, Starbuck salutes back] It's been an honor, Captain.
(Starbuck begrudgingly puts o­n her helmet.)

(Shaw heads in, getting weak, seeing the Scylla bodies again in tighter and tighter shots.)

Hybrid VO: All this has happened before and will happen again. [Shaw aims at the open door] Come in, Major. I've been waiting for you for a long time.

(A male hybrid, old, in a resurrection tank.)

Shaw: You're what all this is about, aren't you? What are you?

Hybrid: What am I? A man. Or am I a machine? My children believe I am God.

Shaw: Are you... a God?

Hybrid: I have seen things. Your life, Kendra Shaw, the things you have done... the things you felt you had to do. All leading to this moment. You wish to be forgiven, my child?


Fisk: I repeat! We will carry out this order! We will shoot these people!

Corporal: What are we doing, Sir? Sir?
(A bottle crashes. Kenda pulls out her gun and shoots a woman in the head. The civilians crowd away from her, and Shaw comes to a few minutes later.)

Hybrid VO: Do you wish to be forgiven?


Shaw, choking back tears: Yes.

Hybrid: Then come closer. There's something I have to tell you. Come. [She stumbles forward, and he grabs her hand] Kara Thrace will lead the human race to its end. She...

Shaw: What?

Hybrid: ...She is the herald of the Apocalypse. The harbinger of death. They must not follow her.


Evac Raptor: "Pegasus, evac Raptor inbound. Extraction complete. Cleared Baseship."

Hoshi: Raptor is o­n its way back, sir. They have Starbuck aboard. Major Shaw stayed behind.

Apollo: ...Starbuck?

Shaw, o­n radio: "Actual. This is Red 1. Come in..."

Apollo: Red 1, this is Pegasus Actual. Report.

Shaw: "Commander? I gotta warn you. It's Captain Thrace..."

Apollo: Red 1, report!

Hoshi: They're jamming us again, Sir.

Apollo: Red 1, this is actual, come in!

Hoshi: ...We lost her.


Shaw: Actual. Come in? Actual.

Hybrid: As my own existence comes to a close, o­nly to begin anew, in ways... uncertain.

Shaw: You're scared, aren't you, motherfrakker? You should be.
(Arms nuke and it pulses up.)

Hybrid: All this has happened before. And will happen again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again.
(The Basestar explodes and Kara watches it from the Raptor, crying.)

Galactica: Adama's Office

Apollo: You wanted to see me, Admiral?

Adama: Thank you for coming in. Starbuck was here a little earlier. She's recommended Major Shaw for a posthumous commendation.

Apollo: She wasn't looking for medals.

Adama: No, she wasn't. But I've been going through Cain's logs, and from a tactical perspective, it's hard to find a fault in anything that she did, or that Kendra did.

Apollo: They butchered innocent civilians, Dad. Come o­n. How can you ignore that?

Adama: I know that I didn't have to face any of the situations that she did. I had the President in my face, arguing for the survival of the civilian fleet, I had Colonel Tigh to keep me honest, balancing my morality and my tactics. And I had you. Now, you don't have any children, so you might not understand this, but you see yourself reflected in their eyes. And there are some things that I thought of doing, with this Fleet. But I stopped myself, because I knew that I'd have to face you the following day.

Apollo: If you hadn't been in CIC, I would have ordered that strike. Kara would be dead. So would the rest of the team.

Adama: You did nothing wrong, neither did I. We both made decisions that we had to, to accomplish our missions.

Apollo: Yeah. Cain. Kendra. Were they wrong?

Adama: Well if I believed in the Gods, I'd say they'll be judged by a high power.

Apollo: But since you don't believe...

Adama: Then history will have to make its judgments. And since history's first draft will be written in our logs...Well, I guess I've got some writing to do.
(Apollo heads out.)

Adama: You'll write that commendation.

Apollo: Yeah, I will.

Pegasus Corridor

Starbuck, playing with the knife: Not a lot to show for a life, huh?

Apollo: I guess not. Do you have any idea why she did it?

Starbuck: Maybe she thought she had a lot to answer for. Maybe she had it coming.

Apollo: We've all got it coming.

Starbuck: You might as well hear this from me. I've asked to be reassigned to Galactica.

Apollo: Any reason?

Starbuck: You might say that I have a beef with my commanding officer.

Apollo smiles: And what's that?

Starbuck, laughing: Motherfrakker keeps trying to get me killed.

Apollo: Oh, you ever think you might de


serve it?

Starbuck: Oh! Speak for yourself, Lee, I have a destiny. Had my palm read by a Cylon, remember?

Apollo: A destiny, right.

Starbuck: You better believe that. So I guess you're stuck with me till the end. I gotta go break in your new CAG, sir.



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